Public speaking ranks very high on the list of fears a person faces in life! The knees start knocking and the hands begin to shake like someone with palsy; the sweat pops out on your brow and you start to stammer. If you can relate to this description then you have a serious problem that needs to be overcome before your wedding day dawns.
Reading this article will help you to put to good use some practical tips for making your wedding speech flow off your tongue with very little effort. You may still experience the „butterflies in the stomach‟ feeling but it will soon pass. Turn your wedding speech into a humorous attention grabber and put to rest the dread you feel.
When writing out your speech don‟t try to do it all in one go, some people can write with little effort as the words just flow out of them and some people can‟t write that well. Take time to prepare your speech, make changes and get your partner to support your efforts.
A good speech should have a beginning, middle and end. You can begin by introducing yourself in a slightly humorous way to get people‟s attention. The beginning is very important because your guests are actually listening to you, wondering what you are going to say. The beginning of the speech should be punchy enough to grab and hold people‟s attention and they should want to know what‟s coming next.
The middle of your speech could be something about the two of you as a couple, a humorous event from your relationship or how you met. A clear, concise story that lasts no more that 3 minutes at best; do not under any circumstances begin a long convoluted tale that will have everyone heading for the bar as soon as you begin.
In the closing of your speech you can wind up by thanking the people who helped make this special day possible. You then end by thanking your guests for giving up their valuable time to come and be a part of this joyful day. Don‟t forget to thank them on behalf of your bride and yourself. Read a short love poem dedicating your love to your beloved wife – that should make it different.
Stand up straight whether on stage or at your table and start off by looking around at the guests assembled around you. This will get people to stop talking and pay attention to you. If you suddenly feel your knees begin to knock lean on the table but don‟t give in to the feeling. Remember you are talking to your family and friends!