Practical Wedding Gift Ideas

The groom to be is over the moon – he proposed and she accepted! Romance and wedding bells are in the air but there is a lot of work ahead before they get to enjoy happily wedded bliss. In this article we take a look at some of the practical wedding gifts one can give a couple on the threshold of a brand new life together.

Couples embarking on a new chapter in their lives require many things to set up a home. It may be that they will combine their „single life‟ possessions to start building a home but they will still need help. Knowing the bride and groom well helps to a great extent, because you are in a better position to know what to give them. If you don‟t, then you will find these ideas helpful in knowing what to give them as a wedding gift.

The kitchen is really the most important area of focus for a newly married couple. They will suddenly find themselves having to cook for two and if the bride hasn‟t got a clue, things could get rocky. Cookbooks are great as are pots and pans and other kitchen gadgets and appliances. Check the guest register to see what‟s listed before you buy. A barbecue grill will get the groom involved in the cooking process, at least on the weekends!

If you know that the couple are planning on a new home that has a garden, you can give them garden supplies like the basic tools, wheelbarrow, hoe, rake, shovel and even a few plants.

Spare a thought for the groom and get him a starter tool kit – he is going to need a few tools to do basic work around the home. The starter kit comprises a tool box with hammer, tape measure, screwdrivers, duct tape and a few other bits. You could buy a handy drill machine which comes in a separate pack with the different drill bits for wood and stone.

Closet organizers may sound like a strange gift but you have no idea just how valuable they will be to a newly married couple having to share closet space for the first time. Closet organizers include drawer organizers, shoe and tie hanging organizers, storage bins, boxes and shelves and more.

These ideas should help you in your search for the best wedding gift. There is no harm in asking, in fact it is far better to buy the couple what they need rather than play the guessing game.