Planning a successful wedding reception is no small task and wedding planners certainly have their work cut out for them. If you have decided that you can do the planning on your own – more power to you! Here are a few basic tips to help you get started.
You need to select the wedding colors and the type of wedding you want. Will you want a traditional white gown and veil, church wedding followed by a sit down meal or will you be looking for something less sedate and more flamboyant? This is an important question and needs careful consideration because once you decide, everything about the reception will revolve around your theme.
Following on from your color scheme will be the reception decorations, based on the wedding theme you have chosen. You can have simple, elegant decorations or go for the outrageous. Everything about your wedding will reflect your and the groom‟s personality, tastes and values, so choose whatever feels right for you.
Spending individual time with your guests is actually quite important and remember, it is your reception, which you need to enjoy with your friends and family. Make it as festive and happy as possible; move around and mingle with people, talk to them and pay attention to their comfort. Thanking as many people as you can personally for coming to the wedding says a lot about you as a couple. Further it makes people feel real special when you take the time to let them
know you appreciate their presence and support.
Running short on food is an absolute No in a wedding reception! It is probably your worst nightmare and nothing can put a damper on the reception party faster than hungry guests. Overestimate because some people will bring uninvited guests and you also have to consider wastage. You will also have guests who did not RSVP turning up and it is best to overestimate when ordering rather than underestimating.
You will probably have quite a few kids at the reception and it may be far better to plan some activities for them rather than trying to get them to sit still and be quiet – ever heard of a child sitting still? You may want to make up little goody bags to give to them when they arrive, which will keep them entertained. Just don‟t put water pistols in there! Better yet if you have the space set up a dedicated play area with a child lover to supervise. Use these tips to get your planning off the ground.