Weddings are wonderful, but let’s be honest: Honeymoons are the best. Weddings might exist only so we
can have honeymoons. It’s like the tortilla chips in a plate of nachos: Sure, we need and like them, but
c’mon — they’re only around so we can go crazy with the toppings. As awesome as honeymoons are, they
don’t happen without thoughtful prep, so here are tips to send you on your way.
[1] TAKE A BREATHER Many couples opt to embark on their honeymoon as soon as the reception
is over. However, taking time to plan your honeymoon after you’re married can open up a
world of options for you. Locations with rainy seasons during your wedding time frame can return to the list
of possibilities, and pricey summertime hot spots become viable options if you visit during the of -season.
[2] WHAT’S FOR DINNER? Investigate visiting the country with your all-time-favorite cuisine.
My wife and I love Thai food, and the more we learned about everything Thailand had to of er,
the more we realized it was perfect for us.
[3] ANTS IN THE PANTS Relaxing on a beach for a week is amazing, but it’s not for everyone.
My ADD doesn’t let me lie and chill for too long, so not only did we get beach time, but we also
toured ancient temples, rode elephants and took cooking classes.
[4] SURPRISES Show your new wife you still have a few tricks up your sleeve by surprising her
with special activities on your honeymoon. In Phuket I planned a surprise private dinner under
the stars. It goes a long way to show that you didn’t cash in all your romance chips during the wedding.
[5] CHECK YOUR PASSPORT If you’re traveling internationally (including Canada, Mexico
and the Bahamas), don’t assume the passport living in your sock drawer is still valid. Better to
check it now than to stress later. Expedited passports can cost nearly $100 on top of the regular $140 fees.
Check the passport rules for the country you’re visiting: Some require a certain number of blank stamp
pages, while others require passports to be valid months after you take your trip! Not into the red tape?
Opt for an island like Hawaii, Puerto Rico or the USVI.