Vashia said the following vow to her husband, Lawrence, on their wedding day. As for Lawrence, “He did a freestyle vows verse the morning of the wedding that turned out to be a sermon,” Vashia says. “I’d have to review the videotape a billion times to get everything correct, verbatim!”
“Lawrence, Helen Keller has taught me that ‘the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.’ Now that we are beyond the romantic phase that every new couple endures, and our consciousness is no longer impaired, I see things clearly with both my heart and my head.
“Our relationship is ever growing and evolving, as any relationship striving for success will do. You and I are imperfect human beings in an imperfect world. Therefore, as much as society would like us to believe that love conquers all, you and I both know that that is a whimsical myth.
With the world running at such a fast pace, there can be no marriage today without a conscious effort for tomorrow. Marriage is not self-sustaining. Marriage is not a nine-to-five job, but rather a corporation that requires nonstop nurturing. If we fail to labor in the vineyard, there will be no reward.
“Our union has been one of mind, heart, and spirit. Today we will be joined in body, making our union complete. On this day I make a covenant with you and the Creator. I know that together, with God as our center, we can reach any goal we envision.
“I, Vashia, take you, Lawrence, to be my husband, loving you in your growing and becoming. I will honor your goals and your dreams and help you to fulfill them. I shall stand by you in every success and failure you encounter.
I will love you whether you are near or far, when you are at your best or at your worst; in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I say these things knowing that God is in the midst of them all. Lawrence, I am your wife from this day forward. I will walk with you all the days of my life.”
This Freestyle Wedding Vows Idea was taken from:
The Knot Guide to Wedding Vows,... - Carley Roney